Home / Bharadvajasana I Twist Pose

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Bharadvajasana I Twist Pose

English Name: Bharadvajasana I Twist Pose

Sanskrit Name: Bharadvajasana I Twist Pose

Level: All Levels

Be certain of your physical abilities and limitations before attempting any yoga pose, and seek clearance from your physician if you are uncertain. Always respect your body and know your limits.

Bharadvajasana I Twist Pose

Bharadvajasana I Twist

Inhale, begin seated with legs extended.

Exhale, rest on one side of buttock and bend knees to other side, allowing feet to rest on floor.

Inhale, extend opposite arm to floor, lengthening torso, extending spine through crown of head.

Exhale, twisting to opposite side of legs keeping spinal length allowing head to follow.

Inhale, with awareness of spinal shape, easing twist slightly if needed.

Exhale, twisting further reaching behind back and if comfortable, holding arm placed on floor.

Inhale, easing twist slightly if needed.

Exhale, twisting to fullest comfortable rotation from root to crown.

Inhale, easing twist slightly if needed.

Exhale, turning only head in opposite direction.

Hold pose each side 3 – 7 breathes or as long as comfortable.

Repeat on other side.

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