Home / Camel Pose

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Camel Pose

English Name: Camel Pose

Sanskrit Name: Ustrasana

Level: Intermediate

Be certain of your physical abilities and limitations before attempting any yoga pose, and seek clearance from your physician if you are uncertain. Always respect your body and know your limits.

Camel Pose



*The Camel Pose is not recommended for the beginner yogis, or anyone with back or spinal problems.* – Inhale, kneel up on the floor with your knees about hip width aprart.

  • Exhale, firm muscles from the abdomin down, press shins and the tops of feet against the floor.
  • Inhale, pressing hands on the back of the hips with fingers pointing towards knees, and lifting chest.
  • Exhale, leaning back slowly with muscles firm to steady the movement.
  • Your first attempt, you may want to stop here, or raise the heels and by placing the toes on the floor.
  • Inhale, place hands on feet or heels without compressing the lower back.
  • Exhale pulling the navel in to steady the lower back and abdomen.
  • Inhale, keeping the lower back as long as possible, and do not allow the back to hinge, but bend slowly and gently.
  • Exhale, keeping the neck extending from the spine or drop your head back, but do not allow the neck to strain.
  • Inhale, and if the head is tilted bring it back to a forward position, and release the posture by lifting from the quads and hips to bring the torso forward.
  • Hold pose 3 to 5 breaths or as long as comfortable.
  • Congratulations on learning Yoga Camel Pose / Ustrasana.

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