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Eight Angle Pose

English Name: Eight Angle Pose

Sanskrit Name: Astavakrasana Pose

Level: Advanced

Be certain of your physical abilities and limitations before attempting any yoga pose, and seek clearance from your physician if you are uncertain. Always respect your body and know your limits.

Eight Angle Pose

Astavakrasana Pose

*For Advanced Yogis*

  • Inhale, begin Seated.
  • Exhale, bend right knee, and place right foot close to right hip.
  • Inhale, place right arm under right leg, in line with right knee, raise right foot off floor, hold right lower leg parallel to floor.
  • Exhale. raise right knee high on right arm.
  • Inhale, extend left leg, grounding palms on floor.
  • Exhale, pushing with arms holding torso off floor.
  • Inhale, lifting left leg off floor.
  • Exhale, wrapping left ankle around right.
  • Inhale, hold torso parallel to floor.
  • Exhale, move both legs to right angle.
  • Inhale and exhale, balancing and stay 3 to 7 breathes or as long as comfortable.
  • Straighten, legs to release.
  • Repeat other side.

*Only for advanced yogis with no back, leg or arm issues*

Congratulations on learning “Astavakrasana Pose, Yoga Eight Angle Pose”.

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