Home / Four Limbed Staff Pose, Yoga Low Plank Pose

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Four Limbed Staff Pose, Yoga Low Plank Pose

English Name: Four Limbed Staff Pose, Yoga Low Plank Pose

Sanskrit Name: Chaturanga Dandasana Pose

Level: All Levels

Be certain of your physical abilities and limitations before attempting any yoga pose, and seek clearance from your physician if you are uncertain. Always respect your body and know your limits.

Yoga Four Limbed Staff Pose, Low Plank Pose

Chaturanga Dandasana Pose

Inhale, beginning in plank or high plank pose, extending spine through crown of head and pressing out through heels.

Exhale, drawing in naval to firm core, and lowering chest while bending elbows.

Inhale, stopping as length of body parallels floor, keeping elbows close to rib cage.

Hold pose 3 – 7 breathes or as long as comfortable.

Pose is usually preceded by high plank and followed by “Urdva Mukha Svanasana Pose, Upward Facing Dog” pose.

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