Home / Lord of the Dance Pose 2

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Lord of the Dance Pose 2

English Name: Lord of the Dance Pose 2

Sanskrit Name: Natarajasana II

Level: Intermediate

Be certain of your physical abilities and limitations before attempting any yoga pose, and seek clearance from your physician if you are uncertain. Always respect your body and know your limits.

Lord of the Dance Pose 2

Natarajasana II


  • Inhale, Standing centered on mat, fixing gaze on floor or wall in front of mat for balance (finding drishti).
  • Exhale, and raise left arm straight up and right arm out 90 degrees bent at the elbow.
  • Inhale, grounding left foot finding calm.
  • Exhale, bend right leg at the knee and place foot in palm of right hand with fingers pointing outward thumb down.
  • Inhale, finding balance and calm.
  • Exhale, lifting right leg creating back bend and holding toes, rotate fingers to hold foot from front as arm come over shoulder.
  • Inhale, keeping left leg straignt, but not locked at the knee.
  • Exhale, bending left arm, reaching over head to hold foot.
  • Exhale, bringing torso forward and pressing back with right foot and lifting leg.
  • Hold pose 3 to 5 breaths or as long as comfortable.
  • Exhale, and repeat on Left side.
  • Modifications, Variations and Contraindications for Lord of the Dance 2 Pose / Natarajasana II Pose: Several areas of the body are challenged in this pose and yogis with leg, shoulder, neck, back, or spinal issues should use caution.

Congratulations of learning Lord of the Dance 2 Pose / Natarajasana II Pose.

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