Home / Yoga Bird of Paradise Pose

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Yoga Bird of Paradise Pose

English Name: Yoga Bird of Paradise Pose

Sanskrit Name: Svarga Dvidasana Pose

Level: Advanced

Be certain of your physical abilities and limitations before attempting any yoga pose, and seek clearance from your physician if you are uncertain. Always respect your body and know your limits.

Yoga Bird of Paradise Pose

Svarga Dvidasana Pose

*Caution for yogis with hip issues*

  • Inhale, beginning in Extended Side Angle Pose binding “Utthita Parsvakonasana”.
  • Exhale, moving extended leg forward until feet are close to hip width apart.
  • Inhale, begin placing more weight on previously extended foot and focus eyes “find drishti”.
  • Exhale, placing full weight on foot and lifting bound leg as spine come to vertical.
  • Inhale, steadying balance.
  • Exhale, bringing awareness to standing leg and straighten.
  • Inhale, steadying balance.
  • Exhale, bring awareness to bound leg and straighten.
  • Inhale, easing bound leg slightly if needed.
  • Exhale, bring awareness to bound leg and straighten.
  • Hold pose each side 3 – 7 breathes or as long as comfortable.

Congratulations on learning “Svarga Dvidasana Pose, Yoga Bird of Paradise Pose”.

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