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Yoga Corpse Pose

English Name: Yoga Corpse Pose

Sanskrit Name: Yoga Savasana Pose

Level: All Levels

Be certain of your physical abilities and limitations before attempting any yoga pose, and seek clearance from your physician if you are uncertain. Always respect your body and know your limits.

Yoga Corpse Pose

Yoga Savasana Pose

  • Inhale, begin lying on back, with arms at a comfortable place at side with palms up.
  • Exhale, allowing legs to rest with feet near edge of mat, feet relaxed outward.
  • Inhale, taking about 4-5 counts to fill lungs, allowing belly to rise.
  • Exhale, taking about 4-5 counts to empty lungs, allowing belly to slowly fall.
  • Return to normal breathing, bringing awar ness to parts of body to realize state of release.
  • Begin awar ness at feet moving through ankles, lower legs, upper legs, hips, lower back, upper back, shoulders, upper arms, lower arms, hands, fingers, neck area, relax jaw, cheeks, forehead, brow, and scalp.
  • Intend to keep awareness on body or meditation. If needed, simply focus attention on breath, so mind doesnt wander into stressful thoughts.
  • Hold pose at least 10 minutes and as long as 20 to 30 minutes or as long as comfortable.
  • To release, roll to one side, pause for a breath or two, then using arms, slowly return to seated.
  • In may also be appropiate to sit for a moment to bring awareness to current state.

Modifications for Corpse / Savasana pose: So yogis experience lower back pain lying flat on back, in this case, place rolled blanket/pillow/bolster under knees. Pregnancy can also produce discomfort, and placing a pile of blankets/a bolster/pillow under upper back and head can reduce discomfort.

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