Home / Yoga Crescent Pose

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Yoga Crescent Pose

English Name: Yoga Crescent Pose

Sanskrit Name: Anjaneyasana Pose

Level: All Levels

Be certain of your physical abilities and limitations before attempting any yoga pose, and seek clearance from your physician if you are uncertain. Always respect your body and know your limits.

Yoga Crescent Pose

Yoga Anjaneyasana Pose

  • Begin standing in Tadasana
  • Inhale, reaching up with both arms.
  • Exhale and fold placing hands on floor.
  • Inhale, stepping one foot back leg straight, balancing on ball of rear foot.
  • Exhale keeping forward knee over ankle and pressing down with big toe.
  • Inhale, extending upward with both arms, plams facing in.
  • Exhale, relaxing shoulders allowing shoulder blades to support upward extended arms.
  • Exhale, keeping eyes focused to maintain balance, holding pose for 3 to 7 breaths.

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