Home / Yoga Extended Puppy Pose

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Yoga Extended Puppy Pose

English Name: Yoga Extended Puppy Pose

Sanskrit Name: Yoga Uttana Shishosana Pose

Level: All Levels

Be certain of your physical abilities and limitations before attempting any yoga pose, and seek clearance from your physician if you are uncertain. Always respect your body and know your limits.

Yoga Extended Puppy Pose

Uttana Shishosana

  • Inhale, begin on hands and knees.
  • Exhale, gently coming to forearms, and taking arms forward to find relaxing stretch.
  • Inhale, finding comfortable position for legs, padding knees if needed.
  • Exhale, finding relaxing and gentle backbend.
  • Head may look forward if comfortable, or rest forehead on mat if needed to ease neck.
  • Hold pose 3 to 7 breaths, or as long as comfortable.

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