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Yoga Eye of the Needle Pose

English Name: Yoga Eye of the Needle Pose

Sanskrit Name: Yoga Sucirandhrasana Pose

Level: All Levels

Be certain of your physical abilities and limitations before attempting any yoga pose, and seek clearance from your physician if you are uncertain. Always respect your body and know your limits.

Yoga Eye of the Needle Pose

Yoga Sucirandhrasana Pose

Inhale, begin lying on back, knees bent, feet flat on floor.

Exhale, crossing right leg over the other, placing ankle on top of knee.

Inhale, bringing awareness to stretch in right hip.

Exhale, if stretch is strong, stay, if not, place right hand on right knee to apply stretching pressure OR reach through opening and around left leg to pull left knee closer to chest OR cradle right lower leg in arms and bring to chest OR place right ankle behind head, which ever level is required to find moderate stretch in hip.

Inhale, hold of 5-7 breathes or as long as comfortable while relaxing right hip.

Exhale, repeat on other side.

Precautions for Yoga Eye of the Needle Pose /Sucirandhrasana: Caution should be used for yogis with hip, knee, ankle, or lower back issues.

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