Home / Yoga Shoulder Stand Pose

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Yoga Shoulder Stand Pose

English Name: Yoga Shoulder Stand Pose

Sanskrit Name: Yoga Sarvangasana Pose

Level: Intermediate

Be certain of your physical abilities and limitations before attempting any yoga pose, and seek clearance from your physician if you are uncertain. Always respect your body and know your limits.

Yoga Shoulder Stand Pose

Yoga Salamba Sarvangasana Pose

*Caution: Shoulder Stand Pose / Salamba Sarvangasana is an inversion that should be practiced with the assistance of a qualified yoga teacher, and can place pressure on the neck areas and should only be attempted by yogis with NO neck or shoulder issues. Never turn your head while attempting this pose.*

  • Inhale, begin lying on back.
  • Exhale, bend knees to chest, place palms flat on mat.
  • Inhale, lifting legs to straight over head.
  • Exhale, allowing legs to come over head with toes coming to floor.
  • Inhale, placing hands on lower back to support torso and pulling shoulder blades together so shoulder muscles support weight and neck becomes unweighted.
  • Exhale, once hands are in place, and balance is secure, raise one leg, and then the other.

*Never try to “kick up” into the pose, always maintain form and move at a slow pace to prevent lossing balance.

  • Inhale, pressing heels or toes toward ceiling, allowing shoulder muscles to carry weight, not the neck.
  • To release, slowly bring one leg down and then the other.
  • Hold pose 3 to 5 breaths or as long as comfortable.

*Modifications and variations for Shoulder Stand Pose / Yoga Salamba Sarvangasana: A blanket can be placed so the shoulder are on the blanket and the neck and head are off so less bending of the neck is required. The pose can be practiced against the wall for added safety. Inversions are not recommended to yogis who are pregnant, have glaucoma, detached retinas, high blood pressure, spinal issues, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, extreme nearsightedness, infections of the ear, sinus infections, the flu or any respiratory infections, or excess weight.

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