Home / Yoga Side Crane Pose

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Yoga Side Crane Pose

English Name: Yoga Side Crane Pose

Sanskrit Name: Parsva Bakasana

Level: Advanced

Be certain of your physical abilities and limitations before attempting any yoga pose, and seek clearance from your physician if you are uncertain. Always respect your body and know your limits.

Yoga Side Crane or Side Crow Pose

Parsva Bakasana Pose

  • Inhale, begining in Malasana Pose.
  • Exhale, twisting lower body to left so that right outer leg rests on back of left arm.
  • Inhale, find drishti for balance.
  • Exhale, moving weight forward resting right outer thigh on back of left tricept and lifting feet off floor.
  • Inhale, finding calm and awareness.
  • Exhale, keeping drishti for balance.
  • Hold pose 3 to 5 breaths or as long as comfortable.
  • Repeat on other side.

Yoga Side Crane or Side Crow Pose Precautions: Yogis with wrist, spinal, elbow or shoulder issues should use care.*

Yoga Side Crane or Side Crow Pose Modifications: Its often beneficial to practice Parsva Bakasana pose with the assitance of a Yoga teacher, and some find learning easier placing side body opposite of legs against a wall, and if fear is present of falling forward, place blankets or a stack of blankets in front.

Congratulations on learning “Parsva Bakasana Pose, Yoga Side Crane or Side Crow Pose”.

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