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Yoga Sphinx Pose

English Name: Yoga Sphinx Pose

Sanskrit Name: Yoga Sphinx Pose

Level: All Levels

Be certain of your physical abilities and limitations before attempting any yoga pose, and seek clearance from your physician if you are uncertain. Always respect your body and know your limits.

Yoga Sphinx Pose

  • Inhale, begin lying on stomach.
  • Exhale, pressing down lightly with tops of feet lifting knees off floor.
  • Inhale, lifting head, chest and shoulders, placing weight on forearms.
  • Exhale, taking awareness on connection to floor with arms, hips and feet.
  • Inhale, lifting head taking gaze forward or upward.
  • Exhale, relaxing lower back.
  • Hold pose 3 – 7 breathes or as long as comfortable.

Modifications and precautions for Yoga Sphinx Pose: If back or neck issues cause any pain, stay lower to floor, and keep gaze down or slightly forward.

Congratulations on learning “Yoga Sphinx Pose”.

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