Home / Yoga Standing Splits Pose

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Yoga Standing Splits Pose

English Name: Yoga Standing Splits Pose

Sanskrit Name: Yoga Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana Pose

Level: Intermediate

Be certain of your physical abilities and limitations before attempting any yoga pose, and seek clearance from your physician if you are uncertain. Always respect your body and know your limits.

Yoga Standing Splits Pose

Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana

  • Inhale, beginning in Tadasana pose, raise arms and begin shifting weight to extended right leg.
  • Exhale, folding forward, placing hands on floor or or right shin, and locating drishti for balance.
  • Inhale, lifting extended left leg off floor reaching as high as possible. Both legs should remain extended, which is straight without locking knees.
  • Exhale, bringing awareness to hip alignment, hips are traditionally kept even, although many are seen tilting hips for further reach, which could be attempted, although returning to alignment should be remembered.
  • Inhale, finding balance a calm.
  • Exhale, pressing further into full expression, bringing torso onto right upper leg.
  • Hold pose 3 to 7 breaths (30-90 seconds) or as long as comfortable.

Modification and precautions for Yoga Standing Splits Pose / Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana Pose: Yogis with back, spinal, hip, knee or ankle issues should avoid or use caution before attempting pose. If hamstring tightness is a challenge, a block(s) can be placed on floor to lengthen reach.

Congratulations on learning Standing Splits Pose / Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana Pose.

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