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Yoga Supine Twist Pose

English Name: Yoga Supine Twist Pose

Sanskrit Name: Yoga Supta Matsyendrasana Pose

Level: All Levels

Be certain of your physical abilities and limitations before attempting any yoga pose, and seek clearance from your physician if you are uncertain. Always respect your body and know your limits.

Yoga Supine Twist Pose

Supta Matsyendrasana

  • Inhale, begin lying on back.
  • Exhale, bend knees bringing feet flat on floor.
  • Inhale, extending arms out to sides, palms up.
  • Exhale, allowing knees to come to right side toward floor, turning gaze to left.
  • Inhale, bringing awarenes to release in left hip, back, left shoulder, neck.
  • Exhale, allowing previously mentioned muscle groups to relax, so knees, shoulder and gaze come closer to floor.
  • Hold pose for 5 to 7 breaths or as long as comfortable.
  • Repeat on other side.

Modifications and precautions for Yoga Supine Twist Pose, Supta Matsyendrasana: Caustion for yogis with back, hip or spinal issues. To increase twist, allow upper leg to straighten, then lower leg, then hold toe if appropiate for your level.

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