Home / Yoga Handstand Pose

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Yoga Handstand Pose

English Name: Yoga Handstand Pose

Sanskrit Name: Adho Mukha Vrksasana

Level: Intermediate

Be certain of your physical abilities and limitations before attempting any yoga pose, and seek clearance from your physician if you are uncertain. Always respect your body and know your limits.

Handstand Pose

Adho Mukha Vrksasana Pose

It is recommended this pose be with the assistance of a yoga teacher, at the wall or both.

  • Inhale, and reach high in hastasana
  • Exhale, fold grounding hands a few inches from wall and walk feet close to hands.
  • Inhale, firm arms, shoulders, fingers, and swiftly raise one leg and then the other, using wall for support.
  • Exhale, and firm inner core, and look down if assistance balancing is needed.
  • Hold pose 3 to 5 breaths or as long as comfortable up to a minute and slowly release.
  • This pose take practice and requires balance, and strong arm, shoulder, and core strength.

Benefits of Handstand Pose / Adho Mukha Vrksasana Pose

Strengthen upper body, improves balance, strengthen core, strengthen bones.

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